Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Model Photo Shoot!

I had two photo shoots scheduled last Saturday, and all I can say is WOW was it cold.  I was meeting this little girl Megan and her mom at 10am in the morning.  It was a whopping 26 degrees.  I wasn't sure if we were going to pull it off or not, but we did.  Megan was such a trooper.  She did exactly what I asked, and she never complained once.  She was needing these pictures for her portfolio for modeling, and I guess that is why she was so easy to work with.  She is a natural.  We headed inside buildings a few times to warm up and grab some different kinds of shots, but I'm glad I got to do this photo shoot because it proved to me that I can do photo shoots even if it is cold.   I honestly never felt cold the entire time, because I was in my photography zone, and that pretty much preoccupied my brain so much that my brain didn't have a chance to register that I was cold. 


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