Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A December Senior Session!

Well I'm just getting around to posting about this great photo shoot I had back in December.  I guess things with the holidays got a little busy.  Anyways, it was of course a cold day since it was December, but I don't think it stopped us from getting some great shots of this senior!  I did feel bad however because this poor girl hurt her leg playing basketball, so she was limping all over the place from location to location, and in the cold nonetheless.  She didn't even have a coat on!  Some how she manage to not complain once, and I had a ton of fun taking her pictures.  It was pretty funny because at one point we heard this music oustide at this ice sckating rink, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer was playing, and I looked to Amanda and said "I bet you never thought you would hear that song while you were getting your senior pictures done".  She purposely waited till basketball season so I could some pictures of her in her basketball uniform.  All in all I think the wait was just fine!!!!


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